Sunday, March 2, 2014

Threads of an Art Conversation...

Click the green flag to start and the red stop sign to stop.When all those "conversation" squiggly threads appear and start jiggling press keys a,b,c,d,e,f to see what happens next! (Be Patient, this animation takes a moment to load.)

Ok, so much I would like to share with you all, and so little time or perhaps too many threads to follow.  That is a good segue to talk about our Feb. 24 meeting at the library.  We had a very interesting conversation on the two artists (Sara Sze and Gregory Crewdson) we had looked at.  Several key points floated up to the surface in the conversation that I hope will stay with us as we continue.  Rather than use language here to describe these ideas, I used a simple, kid-intended, programming language called Scratch to make a little animation. This program was developed by MIT and is quite user friendly (particularly if you are a child, so the learning curve was a little steeper for me.) One of the key features that really drew me to using this form is it was a way to connect our little community with another, though virtual one.  This application is completely free. You can see how others made their works, borrow ideas and ask or answer questions.  This open source system contains a lot of ideas of what a community can be.  Follow this link to see the Scratch website and an alternate version of my animation that includes sound (I recommend head phones if you are viewing this in the library!) 

For our next meeting on March 10, we will look at a couple of artists that will in some way prepare us for our first field trip on Friday March 14th.  We will be visiting the Thompson Giroux Gallery at 57 Main Street and then Joyce Goldstein Gallery at 16 Main Street.  We will start at the Thompson Giroux Gallery at 5:30 where we will see  Kate Hamilton’s Big Shoes to Fill, a show where quotidian forms of clothing are transformed by scale and become a stand in for one’s identity.  Then on to Joyce Goldstein Gallery to see Kelly Bruneau’s Side Kicks and Friends, colorful, exuberant, drawings on paper and the walls.  Check on the right in the “what we are reading” box for links to all of the readings.  I can’t help but also include a few other links that include artists from the last meeting, or are just too wonderful to not share.  Enjoy!

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