Art books at Marisa's bagel cafe!

These books are here for you!  Stop by Marisa's Bagel Cafe on Main Street and check out my display of some of my favorite art books.  Enjoy them while eating a bagel.  Read another chapter each time you come in.  Questions?  Bring them (and yourself) to the Contemporary Art reading and discussion group meeting at the Chatham Public Library, second and fourth Mondays, starting 2/10/14.

Here are a list of the books available to read at the Bagel Cafe:
Art and Today by Eleanor Heartney
What We Want is Free: Generosity and Exchange in Recent Art edited by Ted Purves
The Studio Reader on the Space of Artists edited by Mary Jane Jacobs and Michelle Grabner
Education for Socially Engaged Art:  A Materials and Techniques Handbook by Pablo Helguera
Dark Matter by Gregory Sholette
Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship by Claire Bishop
Art and Feminism edited by Helena Reckitt and Peggy Phelan