Wait...what? What is going on here? Our first meeting of the new year
is my first day back at Siena College where I have been teaching since fall of 2015. It is also the first day of my new class: Intro to Visual Studies: Socially Engaged Art, in theory and practice. And you can join in! I will make this new class curriculum available to all of you interested, in a slightly condensed version. I should mention that this will not be a typical lecture course. I take the work ‘practice’ in the title very seriously. There are many progressive educational ideas and theories that Socially Engaged Art borrows from. We will learn by doing. Here is your big chance to participate! Up on Campus we have the opportunity to meet and interact with some very interesting people. And you are invited! Details to follow....
Reading assignment: Read Chapter 1 of Education for Socially Engaged Art: A Materials and Techniques Handbook by Pablo Helguera (look for a pdf on the left
in readings.) This chapter is just 8 pages! The entire book is only 90 (wonderful) pages brimming with information. Hope you will give it a try. I realize that there may be references and ideas that are unfamiliar to you. PLEASE, make a list of everything that is confusing to you (and look up what you can.) During our meeting we will review and have a lively conversation about what you read. In the readings section I have also provided some background
readings/video on the progressive educational ideas of John Dewey and Paulo Freire.
1st assignment - (same as for my Siena students*)
Please be prepared to tell us the following:
-10 artists or artworks you like/dislike or know of.
-any prior art “education” going back to high school.
-Describe special interests/abilities or talents that you feel may assist you in learning in this class such as: a sense of humor, art-lover, excellent critical reading skills, or open-mindedness.
-Something you are passionate about outside the sphere of art that you enjoy doing. (This could be just about anything.)
-Describe your learning style: for example, a note-taker to cement the ideas, or a procrastinator who uses the adrenaline of the final days and hours to get it done, or?
*I left off the questions about whether you live on campus and what class obligations follow immediately after class. More on the ‘why’ of these questions coming up!